what’s growing in the Herb Garden this year


Here’s the Herb Garden in its second year.  I also took a picture from a ladder so you could see everything better:


Across the back are my husband’s potatoes, which we are just about to start harvesting. There are some sweet peas behind them but they got shaded by the potatoes so I’m not sure how well they’ll do.  Also growing at the back but not flowering just now are red orache, chives, and french tarragon.  Just for fun and to keep the blue theme going, the circle is edged with festuca glauca.

Flowering right now is thyme, oregano, scarlet runner bean, nasturtiums, and self-seeded arugula as well as Stella d’Oro daylilies and Goldflame spirea (pink).  There are also two dwarf zucchini plants tucked in behind the daylilies – we’ll see how big they eventually get but so far they are very well-behaved.

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